We all know, for a number of valuable reasons, how important it is for each and every one of us to acquire as many high quality, multiple star rated, positive online reviews as possible. If we are fortunate enough for the review to be detailed, highlighting the emotional benefits of successful treatment, coupled with a 5 star rating; then these are like gold dust.
So, just imagine how powerful it would be if there was a piece of software which could pick a random sample of such fabulous online reviews, soundbite them according to star rating and key words and then place them at various key places on your website right next to your call to actions. Now, stop imagining and get in touch with the Connect team because this is not make-believe but reality.
You can start reaping the full benefits and maximise the rewards of your hard work by using this plug-in which will re-double your online review presence and keep things varied. Displaying your prized possessions to all new potential patients right where you may need to give them a gentle nudge in your direction rather than to one of your competitors.
This is precisely why we at Bank View Smile Studios decided to opt for this brilliant feature and we have never looked back since.
Dr Khalid U Master – Bank View Smile Studios. “Proud Owner of more than 200 perfect 5 star Online Reviews”